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- 高春霖,格林沃d园林设计公司一U徏造师Q资深景观设计师Q毕业于鲁迅术学院Q从业十q_(d)初期从事室内装饰设计Q偶然机?x)接触到景观设计Q从此一发不可收拾,t上景观设计之\Q善于运用“搭”的设计手法Q把室内设计中细ȝ表现和丰富的色彩q用在景观设计中Q其作品风格个性相当突出,
High Chunlin, Greenwald landscape design company a construction engineer, senior landscape architect, graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, practitioners decade, initially engaged in interior design, landscape design accidental exposure to, from out of hand, foot landscape the design of the road, good use of "mix and match" design approach, the interior design and delicate performance and rich use of color in landscape design, it works quite prominent personality style,